Cross Cultural Reports: Bryan Cruise

Cross Cultural Reports
Each year in the summer between their second and third year our students go on a cross cultural placement to enable them to see and experience ministry in another context. Over the next few weeks they'll be sharing what they've been up to. This week we hear from Bryan Cruise:
Dia dhuit, praying friends. My name is Bryan Cruise and I’m a member of Limavady Baptist Church. During the past summer, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to Youghal, County Cork, to work alongside Paul and Kate McFarland (Baptist Missions) for my cross–cultural placement.
Going into this trip, I had little to no knowledge about the relative cultural differences in County Cork or even the location of Youghal, but on the days leading up to the trip, I prayed in eager anticipation to see what God had in store for me.
Throughout my week in Youghal, I was able to participate in several ministry activities. One of the most memorable aspects of my time there was observing the church’s radio ministry. This outreach programme allowed me to see one of the methods employed by Youghal Baptist Church to connect with the local community. Through this radio ministry, Paul is able to share the message of hope, the truth of the gospel, with people who might not otherwise hear it. Observing this ministry gave me a glimpse into how this form of media can be used effectively, and creatively, for the furtherance of the gospel.
Another highlight was the midweek Bible study, which proved to be quite different from what I’m accustomed to. The study was informal and more open–ended than the structured Bible studies I’ve experienced in the past. At first, this stretched me, because it pushed me out of my comfort zone and required me to engage differently with those in attendance, and even teach the Bible in a way that I’m not used to. However, this very challenge turned out to be a blessing. It encouraged me to think more deeply about the ways I approach the corporate study of God’s Word. The interaction with others in this setting brought fresh insights and perspectives, providing me with a few ideas that I’ll carry with me if I enter full–time ministry.
Overall, my time in Youghal was an incredible blessing. Each experience, whether it was through the radio ministry or the Bible study or whatever else, played a role in helping me grow as a servant of the Lord. Being stretched and challenged during this trip reminded me that growth often comes when we step out of our usual environments and embrace new opportunities. I certainly left Youghal with a deeper appreciation for the diverse ways God works through His people.
In conclusion, my week in Youghal was more than just a cross–cultural placement; it was a journey that deepened my faith, enriched my walk with the Lord, and strengthened my commitment to serve in God’s kingdom. In my opinion, my time spent in this small coastal town, with the McFarland family and those at Youghal Baptist Church, was Christ–honouring.
Please pray for Youghal Baptist Church, that more connections would be made with the townspeople, and that the various ministries and church activities would result in more locals coming along to church, hearing the gospel, and, as a result, come to saving faith. Also, pray that the church would become more self–supporting, with a continued growth in church unity, and that the congregants would “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).