Irish Baptist Historical Lecture: J. N. Darby and the Baptists
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control this event will now be an exclusively online event. The lecture will be delivered via Zoom. To receive the Zoom details please contact the College:
The Irish Baptist Historical Society are delighted to welcome Dr Crawford Gribben to March's meeting. On Thursday 24th March Dr Gribben will be delivering a lecture entitled: J. N. Darby and the Baptists.
John Nelson Darby (1800–1882), who trained and ministered in Ireland, is one of the most important and yet understudied theologians in the history of Christianity. His influence within global evangelicalism, as Donald Akenson has recently suggested, is exceeded only by that of Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Wesley. Dr Crawford Gribben has devoted time to carefully understand the man and his theology and will especially address his relationship to and influence upon Irish Baptists.
Dr Gribben teaches at Queen's University, Belfast, and is the author of several books on Irish, British and American religious history. He writes for newspapers and magazines including The Wall Street Journal, The Irish Times, and History Today. His most recent book, published by Oxford University Press, is titled The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland.
The lecture is free and open to all who would like to attend. It will begin at 7:30pm.