Commencement Service 16th September 2014

Commencement service took place in Holywood Baptist church on 16th September. It was an encouraging evening where new students were welcomed into the College. Pastor Edwin Ewart (Principal) recognised the appointment of Dr Sarah Dalrymple to the post of Biblical Studies Tutor, with responsibility for Old Testament teaching.
Two of the first year students, Kayla Holmes and Matthew Campbell were interviewed by Sarah. They told a little of their background and why they were at College. Kayla and her husband are both studying with the hope of working in mission and Matthew is keenly involved in youth work.
The preacher was a College graduate. Dr Robert Murdock had studied at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at IBC. He had worked in pastoral positions in Ireland and Canada and is currently the principal of the Faith Mission College in Edinburgh.
Robert took as his title ‘Developing leaders for Dynamic churches’. With reference to the church in Antioch (Acts 11&13) he called the students (and us all) to be a generation of gospel driven workers, encouragers, visionaries and those with an outward focus. His explanation of the setting and context in Antioch added to the challenging application. Listen Here