Cross-Cultural Placement in Ukraine

One verse that always comes to mind when I go on mission is 1 Peter 4:11‘the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ’. If we step out in faith and are available for God to use then God will do the rest.
This mission trip to the Ukraine consisted of two teams - one a ministry team which I was part of and the other a building team who were to complete a toilet block for Starrysaltov Baptist Church. As well as building the toilet block the team also helped build a barn for an outreach ministry - in the nearby village of Volchansk.
Over a two-week period, the ministry team and some of the building team were able to go with Pastors from Baptist Churches and visit the sick and the elderly. It was a blessing to encourage precious souls with God’s word and bring some food as well.
As a team, we were able to take part in church meetings and preach the gospel and give testimony. On one visit, to a care home, four people repented and trusted in the Lord. It was a great encouragement to see the Holy Spirit move and see souls being saved. We also had the blessing of bringing God`s word to the Ukrainian army, posted on the frontline in one of the troubled regions.
I am always humbled and thankful to be used of the Lord in mission, I believe it not only strengthens faith but also our witness in this world. On the missionfield we can see with our own eyes what television, newspapers and radio do not broadcast - we see God moving in his love and compassion and reaching out among the nations.