Friends of the College May 2023

Friends of the College Update May 2023
Generally we tend to speak about Association Week, but this year that is all a little different thanks to an additional Bank Holiday in Northern Ireland. Association events are spread across two weeks now, and for the College in particular the whole of May is busy. It feels a little like an Association Month!
So here is a quick map of some College events you might wish to attend.
Before we talk about events, however, we need to mention finance. The College has 35 Gospel Guardians who together contribute nearly £10,000 annually. This is a massive help to the work we do in training men and women for gospel service and supplements the stable support of our churches. If the College is to continue serving the Association by training up future pastors, missionaries, evangelists, women’s workers and youth and children’s workers, we need a body of people standing with us financially. The aim is secure 100 Gospel Guardians.
Will you join the growing band of Gospel Guardians? Find out how here.
The churches of the Association have a rich, varied and exciting history. It is the story of the gospel preached, souls saved and churches planted. God has been and is at work on the island of Ireland, and the society lectures offer an opportunity to reflect on this reality.
Carndaisy and Newtownards both celebrate their centenary in 2023. The May Historical Society Lecture will present brief histories on both churches. It begins at 5:00pm in Ballynahinch Baptist Church on Tuesday 9th May (followed by Baptist Missions Night in the same venue).
All the information you need to know is here.
While some might celebrate the coronation of the king this month, there will be a far more important celebration on Wednesday 10th May at the home of Windsor Baptist Church, The Majestic. This is of course the College Graduation, where we will celebrate a fresh batch of College graduates entering Christian service after a period of training. Our prayer is that they will leave the College better equipped to magnify Christ, advance the gospel and strengthen the church. You can hear some of their reflections here (keep checking back each week to see all the videos).
Rupert Bentley-Taylor will open God’s word, a variety of students will take part and Windsor will lead musical worship and provide refreshments afterwards. Be sure to join us for what is always a wonderful evening.
The search for new students continues. While we have already interviewed a bunch of high calibre applicants, there is always space for more. To that end we are hosting an MA Taster Day on Tuesday 23rd May from 9:30am-1:00pm.
Dr Jonathan McClaughlin, pastor of Hamilton Road Baptist Church, will be teaching on leadership in Titus. If you want to come along all you need to do is drop Lynette Simpson an email:
Again, details can be found here.