From Intern to Undergraduate (Josh Brown)

By Josh Brown
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Joshua Brown and I am 22 years old. I live in Cookstown and I am a member in Cookstown Baptist Church. Before coming to IBC I was a service technician for 4 years.
2. You did the Baptist Youth Internship and then started IBC as an undergraduate the next year. Did you enjoy the internship? Tell us why you decided to begin the Preparation for Ministry course at IBC.
Last year I applied and took part in the Baptist Youth Internship. I really enjoyed it as I always had a heart for youth work. I have been on many youth and children’s teams before and I wanted to take a year to focus on that work. The internship also helped me to gain a better understanding of IBC. I met many great people last year and got a taster of the lectures that take place. I decided to do the Preparation for Ministry course to develop in my faith, potentially be involved in youth work in the future, and to be able to help others develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word.
3. The undergraduate programme is very different to the internship. What differences have you noticed?
The Preparation for Ministry is more intense than the Internship, yet it has already started to help me in different aspects of my life. The course has helped me study God’s Word for deeper knowledge of the Scriptures and for my own personal devotional life.
4. How are you finding first year? What are the positives? Have there been any challenges?
I am really enjoying my first year at IBC. The friendships and fellowship built at IBC will be carried throughout my life. My church has been extremely supportive through this past year and will continue to help me in the years to come. One challenge I have found has been the online classes when we are unable to meet for face-to-face teaching. Covid-19 has made this year very different compared to last year, yet I am thankful for the safety measures the College has put in place to insure that we, as students, can make the most of our time at IBC.
5. Tell us something that you have learned over the past few months.
In the past few months, I have learned that reading is a big part of my studies, and that you can never read enough books! For me, transitioning from my practical job as a technician to full-time studying has been a challenge, yet I have a great peace in where I am and I am thankful to God for His guidance and grace through my journey.